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President and CEO, Maria Cristina Caballero
20+yr Advocate for the advancement of cultural diversity. Fostering economic empowerment through promotion and development of entrepreneurial excellence & technical training
The mission of the Dialogue on Diversity, a nonprofit educational organization, is:
"The social and political advancement of women and men from diverse cultural, ethnic, and national traditions, fostering increased economic empowerment through promotion and development of entrepreneurial excellence, technology training, networking, and education."
An official NGO recognized by the United Nations, the Dialogue offers conferences, seminars, internships, and annual leadership award recognition as part of its larger program of entrepreneurship training and international exchange
A not-for-profit educational organization, Dialogue on Diversity was founded in 1990, incorporated in the District of Columbia in November, 1991, and recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization in early 1992. As it enters its twenty-eighth year of action in the rich environment of Washington’s policy and economic ferment, the Dialogue hones its understanding and its purposes with a growing array of seminars, colloquia, and conferences targeted to women of the country’s diverse ethnic and cultural communities. It continues its dedication to the advancement of the social and political status of women and in particular to promotion of their economic effectiveness through skilled entrepreneurship.
In this the Dialogue seeks to foster an exchange of experience and ideas between women of diverse cultural and national traditions, bringing together women of the many ethnically differing groups constituting American culture.
This core concern, moreover, extends specifically to women in all regions of the world, where, more often than not, living in a many-cultured societal complex is similarly a basic fact of social existence. It is our continuing purpose to encourage women of each country to assume their places in the developing political system and in those cultures of entrepreneurship that are emerging in their own, much differing social and political worlds. Our mission as an organization, then, is multi-targeted:
To bring women, through entrepreneurship and education, into the fullness of their economic potential, which can be the key to their empowerment in the civic and social realms as well
To sharpen a consciousness of common interests among women across boundaries of culture and class, in our own country and globally.
To bring the diversity of traditions in the world’s gamut of cultures and nationalities into a mutually productive dialogue.
To promote solidarity among women of diverse cultural and ethnic background.
To this end Dialogue on Diversity has hosted and been hosted internationally in a series of business and cultural interchanges. It has designed and presented a panoply of forums for airing views and diffusing learning. It has sought to promote internships and other training opportunities. Through these programs the Dialogue hopes to nurture those skills that make for political and managerial excellence, imparting them to women of America’s diversity, and seeking as well to make these a regular part of life for our counterparts around the world. In this the innate strength and the rich uniqueness of each special culture comes to be a driving force for constructive dialogue.
We hope you will join with us in the Dialogue, constructing the basis for a prosperous and creative future, for ourselves and our sisters in every corner of the world. In your Dialogue membership you join hands with a host of your peers as an exciting and creative force, at once fostering the innovative discourse that sharpens conceptions of policy alternatives for our political class, and additionally achieving that sharing of insights that can effectively work across frontiers of class, culture, and nationality, to enhance the quality of our economic lives. Membership in the Dialogue brings you into the center of the worldwide interchange among our vital and articulate network that will enrich your set of professional skills and advance your quest for entrepreneurial success